There’s no doubt that every workplace needs some form of office snack service. Whether your employees got stuck in a long meeting and didn’t have time for lunch or simply need a tasty pick-me-up towards the end of the day, providing snacks in your office makes for a better workplace culture.
- Productivity
- Engagement
- Happiness
These are the results of offering snacks for employees. But the question is, how can you provide them? Here are three approaches to an office snack plan.
1. Vending Machines
Provided your office has space, vending machines are a good option if you’re looking for a quick and inexpensive way to offer snacks and beverages in your office. If you choose a full-service vending program, the machines will be delivered, installed, and maintained all at no cost.
2. Micro Market
Micro markets are great for larger office and workplace settings and allow for employees to purchase items through a kiosk. The convenience of a micro market is what makes it an attractive option for an office snack service.
3. Snack Delivery Service
Many employers are providing snacks as a perk to help attract and retain employees. There are several ways to go about purchasing the items, including a snack delivery service. This helps eliminate the hassle of sending an employee to the store to purchase all the product. The Supply Wizards online ordering platform connects you with a local vending operator that has hundreds of products to choose from and can deliver your choices in 1-2 days.